Ram Charan’s upcoming film Yevadu is going to be screened a day in advance in Hyderabad. As per the latest reports, a premiere show has been confirmed on January 11th night in Sri Ramulu, Moosapet in Hyderabad. Special arrangements are being made to organize this show and since the film will open all over the state on January 12, an advance screening of the film will certainly set the ball rolling for the film.
Yevadu stars Ram Charan, Shruti Haasan and Amy Jackson in lead roles. Allu Arjun and Kajal Aggarwal have played cameos in this action entertainer. Recently, a song, Cheliya Cheliya, which was shot on Ram Charan and Kajal Aggarwal was released and it’s got good response. “I had a great time shooting for this song and this special appearance has become one of my favourites,” Kajal Aggarwal said.
Vamsi Paidipally has directed the film and Dil Raju has produced it. Devi Sri Prasad has scored the music.