S.S.Rajamouli’s Baahubali is going through new controversy, a karnataka based Jain Mutt has filed a case on the film saying that it huts their religious sentiments. Saying that Baahubali title disrespects their religion and also excessive violence will give wrong impression about Baahubali to the Audience. But the producer of the movie Shobhu Yarlagadda has rejected the rumors and denied the news that the film is inspired from the real story of Baahubali. He even said that Baahbali is a fictional story and it has got nothing to do with the story of Jain Guru Baahubali who is worshipped as Gomateshwara.
Currently, a huge battle scenes are shooting between Rana and Prabhas at Ramoji Film city, Film also stars Anushka and Tamannah in lead roles. Arka Media is producing this huge budget movie and M M Keeravani is composing the music.