For a movie, trailer is very important as it gives impression for a movie. But these days, more and more films have amazing trailers that captivate the audience but when it comes to the movie itself, it fails to convince the viewers. Recent movies proved this statement.
Latest film ‘Varna’ trailer was released and created much hype with more excitement. The two minutes trailer was action packed and filled with spectacular visual effects which led to a lot of excitement and anticipation on the audience’s side. The visual trailer led people to think that the movie would create wonders.
But, scene was reversed and the movie disappointed everyone and became a biggest flop at the box-office. Another movie is NTR’s ‘Ramayya Vastavayya’ which was released with high expectations and finally disappointed. Thus, the trailer was a huge hit but the movie failed to impress fans. Masala is an other example of the same.
Source: Nth Wall
Source: Nth Wall