If Pawan Kalyan is the Power Star of Tollywood, there is Ajith Kumar also a Powerful Star of Kollywood. At the same time when Telugu film industry has seen the first film to near 100 Crores mark in the form of ‘Aththarintiki Daaredi,’ now we have Tamil movie ‘Arambham’ also creating a history by becoming the first Tamil film (other than Rajinikanth’s films) to breach the century mark. Audience who love both Pawan and Ajith make a strong coincidence in their style and simple living standards.
In fact, Ajith never exhibits his stardom exactly like Pawan in Telugu. One more parallelism is, nether Pawan developed a good market in Tamil and Ajith also in Telugu.
It is the time for both these heroes to concentrate on crossing the borders. As of now, ‘aata arambham’ released in Telugu as a dubbed version to ‘Arambham’ is doing average business.