Stylish Star Allu Arjun’s upcoming film, Race Gurram is nearing completion. The entire shooting is complete except for two songs. Those songs will be canned in Hyderabad very soon. Already the post production works are going on at brisk pace. The makers are banking on February release for the movie. the recently released first look poster and teaser looked promising.
‘Athanokkade’ and ‘Kick’ fame Surrender Reddy is wielding megaphone for this movie. Shruti Hassan is romancing Bunny for the first time in this film. Thaman is composing the music. Manoj Parmahamsa is cranking the camera. Vakkantham Vamsi contributes the script and Gowtam Raju is the editor. Nallamalupu Bujji and Dr. Venkateswara Rao jointly produce the movie.