Post the super hit back to back industry record breakers of ‘Gabbar Singh’ and ‘Aththarintiki Daaredi,’ definitely pawan kalyan Mania is on all time high. At this juncture, even a simple move from Power Star will be seen as a big leap. So, many top brands in India and abroad have been trying their best to make pawan kalyan as their brand ambassador for South India. Though it costs big to rope in Power Star for publicizing their products, all the companies were ready to shell the desired figures.
As per the information from close sources, we hear that pawan kalyan has rejected approximately 20 Crores worth ambassador endorsement offers from top brands just for the sake of ‘Gabbar Singh 2.’ Though there are different ways to earn speed money, Pawan wasn’t willing to follow those procedures because his core concentration lied on providing ample entertainment to Fans, audience and nothing else.
As per the information from close sources, we hear that pawan kalyan has rejected approximately 20 Crores worth ambassador endorsement offers from top brands just for the sake of ‘Gabbar Singh 2.’ Though there are different ways to earn speed money, Pawan wasn’t willing to follow those procedures because his core concentration lied on providing ample entertainment to Fans, audience and nothing else.