Power Star Pawan Kalyan and maven director Rajamouli are top 2 celebrities in Tollywood film industry. Both these celebrities has the capacity to make a flick cross 100 Crores mark. Recently, Pawan came to form and this made several fresh faces comment on his status.
Actresses like Rakul Preet Singh and few other commented that they are fans of Pawan Kalyan. By using the name of Pawan, these beauties are coming into the limelight. Fans of Power Star are discussing about the actresses once they speak about Pawan Kalyan.
This may help Rajamouli in choosing the best actress. It is known that Rajamouli is in search of a female lead for Rana. By using the name of Pawan, film actresses are getting enough fame and name to enter the sets of “Bahubali”. Indirectly, this aspect is providing more options to Rajamouli. He can choose any one of the heroines who has got enough fame in Tollywood!