The much-awaited Kochadaiiyaan audio release, which was supposed to be held on Rajinikanth's birthday, December 12, has now been postponed yet again. The audio is touted to be launched in the first week of January. Directed by Soundarya R Ashwin, Kochadaiiyaan casts Rajinikanth, Deepika Padukone, Shobana, Sarath Kumar, Nassar, Jackie Shroff and Aadhi amongst others.
With the post production work taking time, the film is expected to hit the screens for Tamil New Year's day on April 14. KS Ravikumar has penned the Kochadaiiyaan script canned by Rajiv Menon and editing is handled by Anthony, while AR Rahman has taken care of music and background scores.
An official announcement from producers Eros is expected soon regarding the final dates of audio launch and movie release.