Puri Jagannadh and Nithin’s Heart Attack has completed its shooting part and the post production works are going on at full swing. Currently, dubbing of the movie is going on. Earlier, the movie was planned for Sankranthi release but the makers subdued to heavy rush at the box office (due to Yevadu and 1-Nenokkadine). And now Puri,the director and producer is targeting January 31st release.
Bollywood beauty Adah Sharma is making her debut with this movie. Puri himself is producing this movie on his new banner, Puri Jagannadh Touring Talkies. Anup Rubens will be scoring music for the movie. Anup had earlier given Back Ground scores for Puri’s films ‘Buddha Hoga Tera Baap’ and ‘Nenu Naa Rakshasi’ but not the song tracks.