As soon as Eros deal of Rs 72 crore for '1 - Nenokadine' became official, People began estimating if the leading production & distribution house in the country have taken a right decision. Most of the movie buffs felt Eros have given away too many crores for 14 Reels Entertainment and recovery of the investment willn't be possible.
However, Eros has taken a calculative risk and it can be said that the firm is in a safe zone despite buying the rights for record price. Notably, Eros acquired all the rights of 'ONE' across the World and it has done the math before finalizing the deal. Let's see what kind of pre-release business Eros is expecting...
1) 'ONE' will be doing around Rs 45 crore pre-release theatrical business in AP alone.
2) Overseas rights: Expecting over Rs 8 crore (based on record release).
3) Nearly Rs 6.5 crore (Audio Rights, Theatrical Rights of Tamilnadu, Karnataka and Rest Of India).
4) Sun Network acquired Satellite Rights for Rs 12 crore (Telugu+Tamil+Malayalam).
When it comes to recovery (from distributors and exhibitors side), the recent ticket hike will help them find the break even within the first two weeks itself if the film hits the bull's eye.