The Dhoom 3 cyclone is unleashed over Box Office. With the packed theatres on Sunday, the flick raked in whooping Rs. 38.03 crore breaking its own record of the highest ever single day collection set on the opening day with Rs. 36.22 cr.
The flick has also become fastest flick to storm into 100 cr club with Rs. 107.61 cr. surpassing Chennai Express which made Rs. 100.42 cr including its paid preview shows.
Confirms Trade Analyst and Film Critic Taran Adarsh, “Dhoom3 weekend breakup: Hindi Rs. 100.76 cr, Tamil & Telugu Rs. 6.85 cr. Weekend total [India]: Rs. 107.61 cr nett. ALL TIME RECORD.”
“Dhoom3 – Sunday: Hindi Rs. 36.09 cr, Tamil & Telugu Rs. 1.94 cr. Sunday total: Rs. 38.03 cr. Grand total: Rs 107.61 cr nett. FANTABULOUS!” Taran wrote further.
Here are the figures of Dhoom 3 from Fri-Sun: Fri 36.22 cr, Sat 33.36 cr, Sun 38.03 cr – Total Rs. 107.61 cr.