D for Dopidi, an upcoming Telugu film slated for grand release for Christmas, on December 25th is all set for the premiers shows in Vijayawada and Hyderabad on on Dec 22 and 24 respectively.
Varun Sandesh, Melanie and Sundeep Kishan are playing lead roles in D For Dopidi that is releasing state wise this December 25 and makers have planned to premier the film in Vijayawada and Hyderabad couple of days before actual release.
Post successful Venkatadri Express, D for Dopidi has raised expectations as is the third Telugu film of Sundeep Kishan in 2013 and the film is being presented by Nani and Dil Raju. Siraj Kalla directed D For Dopidi is produced by Bollywood directors Raj and DK. D for Dopidi has music by Mahesh Shankar and Sachin-Jigar for the lyrics penned by Krishna Chaitanya.