Mega star Chiranjeevi who's now a union minister has no doubt realised his Delhi dreams. Even though his fans are happy to see their actor doing well in politics, their happiest moment would be to watch him back on screen. Sometime back, there were rumours that Chiru had said yes to his 150th movie. However, the reports were rubbished as rumours.
The latest buzz on social media again yesterday breathed life into these rumours. There were strong rumours that Chiranjeevi's next film had been confirmed with Shankar. And the movie was to go on floors on March 27 which happens to be his son Ram Charan's birthday.
Hashtags like #WelcomeBackChiru and #MegaStarReturns were trending on twitter.
Mega fans were naturally excited with the news and started retweeting the news to spread the good word around. Although there's no official confirmation on the same, let's hope Chiranjeevi won't let his fans down