Tigmanshu Dhulia's latest directorial venture Bullett Raja, which has been made with a whopping budget, has ended the first week with an average collection at the Indian Box Office. Its seven-day business is little more than half of its budget. With this, the Saif Ali Khan and Sonakshi Sinha starrer has failed to cross Rs 50 crore mark in domestic market.
Bullett Raja, which was released in 1,000+ screens in the domestic market on November 29, had created lot of flutter in the media prior its release. So it was expected to start with a bang, but the movie received a lackluster response on Friday and its business dropped on Saturday. The film showed escalation in its collection, but it was not up to the mark.
Bullett Raja 7 Days Collection at Box Office .
The business of Bullett Raja once again dipped on Monday and it continued to drop on the following days.
The movie has collected Rs 34.91 crores nett (Rs 23.30 crores in weekend and Rs 11.61 crores on weekdays) at the Indian Box Office in the first week. Its breakup is Rs 7.5 cr on Fri, Rs 7 cr on Sat, Rs 8.8 cr on Sun, Rs 3.75 cr on Mon, Rs 3.12 cr on Tue, Rs 2.74 cr on Wed and Rs 2.00 cr on Thu. Bullett Raja has beaten the record of Saif Ali Khan's last release Go Goa Gone, which had raked in Rs 19.5 crores nett at the Indian Box Office in first week. However, its seven day collection is not even of the first week business of his another 2013 release Race 2, which had collected Rs 76.10 crores nett.