14 Reels Entertainment who gave a blockbuster hit with Mahesh babu in ‘Dookudu’ is doing two films back to back with the Superstar. The first, ’1 – Nenokkadine’, a Sukumar directorial is releasing on the 10th January, for a Pongal crusade of screens across the world. The producers’ trio of Ram Achanta, Gopichand Achanta and Anil Sunkara has reveled the news and spoke the details to the media.
The trio said ‘This is the most expected film of the recent times and we are releasing the filma s annoucned, on the tenth January. Audio, teser and theatrical trailer all have created quite a sensation and especially the audio has been a chartbuster with a record number of downloads of ringtones and CD sales. The magic of DSP-Sukumar-Mahesh worked wonders. Gautham as Mahesh’s son will be the high point of the film and Kriti Sanon has already been a star. So, grab the ticket in advance and flock the theaters on the tenth Jan’
The film has Music by devi Sri Prasad; Photography by Ratnavelu; Fights by Peter Heyins; Executive producer Koti Paruchuri; Produced By: Ram Achanta, Gopichand Achanta and Anil Sunkara; Story, Screenplay & Direction: Sukumar